The Family

Brit Mums Live

Sunday, 29 June 2014

There's no place like home

A few years ago I got caught up in the negative media that was being said about in and about our surrounding areas. It made me look at only the bad things, rubbish in the streets, certain people and how they were living, the aggresssion and racism that was apparent. It made me miserable and seriously think about emigrating. We took the decision to make steps to move to Canada. 
Australia always seemed to be a popular choice for Brits but I have never felt the want to go there whereas Canada has always been drawn to me.
Just before we got married, Kevin was offered a job with a house in Canada, all I had to do was agree.
I couldn't, I just couldn't leave my family. Some days I have regretted that decsion and other days feel I made the right one. But there has always been a little sonmething in the back of my mind that wonders ' what if'.
So we made steps. We had enough 'points' and would be able to go within three months with a job waiting for us. Sounded great!  Then the recession hit, not only here but in Canada too. We were to,d on various forums that the jobs that were waiting for us might not be there when we arrived and that generally it wasn't a good time to go. 
I knew with the ages that Georgia and Ellis were that it was going to be a now or never time, as I would never go without them.

Well we didnt go but it probably turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made. 

Rather than feel sad and miserable that we didnt go. I made a mission to embrace the wonders I have round me.

I am very lucky where I live to be 30 seconds away from open countryside. Now we have Sprout and Tilly I spend time there nearly every day.

And every day it looks different depending on weather, and the seasons.
Every tree is different and the flowers and wildlife but thats another story.

Yes I'm sure there is wonderful countryside like this all over the world but mine is here.

Even on the islands on the main road to town, wild flower seeds were planted and have brightened a once dull area. Beautiful! 

Then there's the people. You can walk down the street and stop and talk to anyone. In my recent visit to London, one of the things I noticed ( apart from in Brit Mums of course) was that no one talked to each other.

So why o why would I want to live anywhere else?

One of my neighbours recently emigrated to Austrailia and I wish her all the best but it's not for me.
Some people say where ever I lay my hat, thats my home. 
But I'm a home bird and here is where I will stay.
 After all
There's no place like home...

Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment, I will always reply

Lisa xx

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Blogging weekend Part 4 London! The final chapter.

I was thinking of the times I've been to London in my life.
The first time I was 14 at school and we had a trip to the Natural History museum. On a coach, off a coach, Museum, on a coach off a coach. Didnt see much of London really.
The second time was then I was student at college age 16  We went for the weekend to a hair conference. Yes we did get some free time, I vaguely remember Soho and Harrods but that was it.
The third time was to see a show, another on coach off coach experience.
The fourth time was with college again but as a teacher going to the same conference. But didnt get any free time as we had students that year that needed watching!

Fifth time lucky! And with a very competent chaperone.

After the first day of Brit Mums Live was over myself and Sarah went back to the hotel to freshen up then we went to Piccolinos off Regent Street. How beautiful was Regent Street. I stared and stared at the sweeping buildings while Sarah, who visits London often, laughed at my amazement.

Sarah is in the corner of the photo thinking 'what is she doing? '

Next stop. Piccolinos!

I love when you can see the chefs cooking!

The starters. Sooo tasty!

Sirlion steak and house chips with a tomato salad. The steak melted like butter in my mouth.

After the meal Sarah took me on a whistle stop tour round London.

Covent Garden
I felt like Eliza Doolittle and very nearly burst into song but I thhink would have killed me. I was so excited to see the areas where some of my favourite childhood films had been made. And i'd do anything ( get it) to have spent some more time there.

We stopped of at Sarahs favourite London pub 'the Punch and Judy. 

I really enjoyed it there, sat outside taking it all in. We chatted for ages and really got to know each other as more than work friends. I will not forget that night for a long time.

Last stop was Leicester Square. Its actually a square! Sarah was in stitches at this. But Piccadilly circus isn't a circus is it? 

As a child my favourite board game was monopoly and this weekend I have done the yellow and green properites. I had no idea they were near to each other in real life. You can tell I dont get out of Lancashire very much...

As the evening ended, we got a taxi back to the hotel. We chatted to a real cockney taxi driver who loved telling us the famous people he had, had in the back of his taxi.
Noel Gallager, Allan Sugar, Keith Richards to name a few. I rubbed my bottom on the seat as if to rub off some of the DNA, I just wanted to soak it all in like a sponge.

Back at the hotel we had a nightcap then chatted for ages in our beds about the weekend until eventually falling asleep.

I not only had a fabulous time at Brit Mums live but I loved seeing the sights of London just as much.

I would like to say a big THANK YOU to Sarah for making the weekend so special and putting up with my ooooo's and ahhhh's, tree hugging teaching me escalator equitique and for generally being my carer haha. The weekend wouldnt have been the same without you xx

Friday, 27 June 2014


I took this of Tilly today and just wanted to share it. 
She has been in our lives now for three months and I couldn't imagine life without two dogs now.
She is such fun and leaves a bit of sparkle ( and pee at the moment) where ever she goes.

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Blogging weekend part 3 Brit Mums Live!

So now for the reason we came to London. Brit Mums Live 2014.
I had no idea what to expect at all so I kept a very open mind.
The hotel we stayed in was only about a five minute walk from the venue ' The Brewery' and I took great delight in soaking in the wonderful buildings, people, and park areas.
Coming from a very rural area, open countryside a thirty second walk away, it came to me that the only 'green' areas were these park areas. I tried to walk a bit slower past these to envelop them more.
 I do love trees and couldnt ever stand to live somewhere with none, so when I came across a fantastic old tree, it must have been hundreds of years old, I couldnt resist giving it a hug. Much to Sarahs embarrassment! 

What changes has that tree known over the decades. I wonder.

Soon we were at the Brewery and greeted by a lovely man in a suit and bowler hat, very Londony I thought.
We signed in and recieved our badges and programmes and the day began.

Lots of lovely trades stands offering a variety of different things from holidays abroad to Ovens from juicers to wine. 
Tea, coffee, water, wine,  pastries, cake, muffins were on offer ...thats my diet gone this weekend... All FREE yes free amazing, I totally expected to be paying over the odds for a limp packaged sandwich but no even in the fantastic Morrisons room they tempted your tastebuds with mouthwatering delights. Garlic bread, meat pies, samosas, chorizo nibbles, tarts, cake,  biscuits and pineapple slices. Of course myself and Sarah kept to the pineapples and must have eaten three each over the two days.

The first keynote speech was by Emma Freud and she was very motivational and inspiring. She talked about her charity work and gave tips on how to get what you want. I will be trying some of those...

The programme catered everyones tastes whether you were a new blogger or managed to blog for your living. Everyone was friendly and chatty and the whole building was filled with a positivity I havent felt in a long while, too long really. 

We went to every possible presentation and talk possible and learned lots of things about blogging. 

Next was wine and canapes in the courtyard. 
They had even dressed it up for the occassion .

Here's Sarah looking less stressed than I have seen her in a long while.

Besides the talks there was lots of sillyness to be had in the form of having your photos taken to win a competition. 
I think myself and Sarah stand a good chance with this one.

Along with the laughs from some very comical bloggers, there was plenty of tears listining to the heart breaking stories from other bloggers about the things that they had gone through. I don't think I have laughed then cried, laughed then cried so much in one weekend.

To sum up Brits Mums Live.

Well worth the money.
Extremely well organised...Thats mums for you!
Venue perfect.
People the height of positivity.
Food amazing.
Presentations very informative

Can't wait for next year!

Did you go? What did you think? 

Please leave a comment.

Lisa xx

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Blogging weekend Part 2. Going underground

Once over the eventful trip to Manchester that had been correctly navigated, well job was done, leaving my life in the big city totally in Sarahs hands. 

First stop, the London underground.
Many things have been shown about the London underground, on documentaries, films,TV shows, and its sometimes in the news usually for something bad. So I had expectations of it being busy, noisy, a bit scary and all a bit of a stress but at the same time I was excited!

Its amazing to think, for me anyway that your walking through the streets of London ( I can feel a song coming on there) knowing there is an enormous network of tunnels right under your feet and seeing how busy the roads were, its a good job they have the underground. 
So we found, well guided by Sarah our first underground entrance! Against the lights of Piccadilly circus!

Well after going half a mile down a load of steps the first thing I realised is its deeper than I thought, then we reached the platform. 
It was just like in the movies? And those tunnels look mighty scary!

Luckily it was quiet so my fear of getting pushed into the path of an oncoming train didnt arise.
The second thing I realised was how blooming windy it is down there. No good for my hair at all.

Once on the tube as the locals call it! I think I saw every nation and culture there is in the world all in one carriage and everyone had a phone, laptop, other mobile device, book or magasine. 
I love people watching and if it hadnt been for Sarah watching out for me and picking my jaw off the floor on occasions, I think I would have been there all day.

Once off 'the tube' was the next newbie. 
The escalator challenge.
Never in my entire life, not even on the movies, have I seen escalators so long! I nearly got vertigo, says the woman who is doing a sky dive in August! 

And this photo was taken was near the bottom!
I was glad we were on the quiet side but not for long.....

Another tube to hop on, well I didnt really hop on it like the locals, more like jump, shuffle then find something to cling to, on.

Once off we took another esculator up! I got on with my case safely next to me.
 'Watch your case' said Sarah 'watch your case' 'Lisa! Your case'!!! What was she on about? It was fine, not falling off the step or unsafe. 'Lisa put it in front of you' it was then I looked behind to see quite a few, well about 30 people behind my case waiting to get past! Oh well! Now I know. I moved it mumbling apologises to everyone that ran past.
Sarah thought it was hilarious!

My overall thoughts on the London underground are,

1 It looks just like just it does on the movies. 
2 T
he tunnels are as spooky as hell! 
3 I've never been up and down as many escalators in my life and I found out there is a thing called escalator etiquette.
4 You need to put more hair spray on as it gets far too windy!
5 They go far faster than I thought, bit like a theme park ride! And sway up and down
6 People don't communicate with each other. No eye contact, nothing. Which is such a shame...

Next step Brit mums live!

Thanks for reading 
Please leave a comment

Lisa xx

Friday, 20 June 2014

Blogging weekend part one!

Getting to Manchester.
Up early all excited to go to Brit Mums Live in London with my friend and fellow blogger, Sarah.
Kevin dropped me off at her house and we set off to Manchester. 
Neither myself or Sarah are good driving in city centres and just as Sarah told me how good I was at navigating I took her to what I thought as the station car park but no it was the wrong way up a one way street! 
Well I didn't see the no entry sign but the police van behind us did. Still not realising I got out of the car to ask the nice policeman which way to the station car park? Then spent the next few minutes apologising and pleading with him not to give me a ticket. 
Phew he let us off with a warning and we finally managed to get on the train. 

Next stop London! 

Lisa xx

Thursday, 19 June 2014


Case nearly packed!

Tickets and directions in bag.

Off to Brit mums live in London tomorrow with my friend from work.

A bit nervous but very excited!

Lisa xx

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Well done G

Tonight we all went to the art exhibition at college to see Georgia and her friends final artwork for their art degree.
Georgia chose to take photos of Ellis's band ( you never know they  might come in handy some day) 
She also did T-shirts, mugs, a Cd and Cd cover with all the song words and photos.
She has worked very hard on it all and it was nice to see it all displayed and looking extremely professional I thought.
The photos dont really do it justice but its a real proud mum moment for sure! 

Until tomorrow

Lisa xx

Tuesday, 17 June 2014


In 15 days ( yes she is on countdown) my dear Georgia and her boyfriend Josh are going on their first holiday together to Mexico.
For Josh it will be his first time abroad! For Georgia her second time to Mexico. We all went as a family last year and had a lovely time.
We stayed in the Grand Palladium Collonial hotels. 
It was set in the middle of a rainforest and consisted of walkways through the rain forest to villas, pools and restaurants. 

On these walkways we came across all kinds of wildlife! And to this day I still dont know what this is.

And these little cuties were the entertainment while you sunbathed.
A beautiful hotel with lots of activities to do.

I lost three and a half stones before we went and because of this I determined to put all my fears to one side and do EVERYTHING .... And I did.

Being terrifed of deep and dark water I snorkelled in an underground cave. This look says it all!

But I survived..just!

Next the fear of heights. Zip wiring!

This one was a low one. AHHHHH 

I survived! Just!

Next absailing down a cenote!

That smile was me gritting my teeth really! 
 But I survived and what a view up!

Next! Swimming with whale sharks and giant sting rays!
Haha no way 
I know my limits! But Kevin and Ellis did it!

While me and Georgia did this!

I had you fooled then for a minute!

So it was no wonder that Georgia wanted to go back she had such a good time.
Here she is at Chichen Itza

While I wish her a fabulous time, I do wish she wasn't going so far away for her first time away. I just hope her and Josh stay safe and arrive home in one piece. 

Happy holidays Georgia! 

Thank you for reading 
Lisa xx

Monday, 16 June 2014

Home from the asylum

Work, Some days at work are pretty easy, a good class, students in good moods, ready to learn. 
Some days at work are pretty hard, lesson didnt go as planned, students playing up, emails with things to have done by the next hour piling up. 
But you cope! Its part of the job, good days, bad days everybody has them, dont they?

But some days end up being bad unnecessarily.
Today was one of them days. There was no need, no justification,

Later I took some time out alone to capture my thoughts. Not an easy task in my house, even in the bath! ...but I did and  I decided that some things never change and I must learn to deal with it better.

Sometimes its hard to stay strong and times when I'm feeling weak I always turn to my favourite poem. It seems to put things in perspective for me.
 My big sister bought me a copy I had it framed and it hangs above my bed.

My family think its ridicuous! And just sigh at my love of trees. But for me its perfect and it helps put the world to right again, if only for a short while.

Dear Friend,
Stand Tall and Proud
Sink your roots deeply into the Earth
Reflect the light of a greater source
Think long term
Go out on a limb
Remember your place among all living beings
Embrace with joy the changing seasons
For each yields its own abundance
The Energy and Birth of Spring
The Growth and Contentment of Summer
The Wisdom to let go of leaves in the Fall
The Rest and Quiet Renewal of Winter
Feel the wind and the sun
And delight in their presence
Look up at the moon that shines down upon you
And the mystery of the stars at night.
Seek nourishment from the good things in life
Simple pleasures
Earth, fresh air, light
Be content with your natural beauty
Drink plenty of water
Let your limbs sway and dance in the breezes
Be flexible
Remember your roots
Enjoy the view!

Hope you like it too.

Thank you for reading especially today.

Lisa xx

Sunday, 15 June 2014

More about Ellis aka 'the boy'

When Ellis was 8 he asked me for a guitar for christmas, thinking it would be a passing phase and the fact that he was into gameboy games and had asked for some of those too, I didnt get him a real one we got him a toy one. It seemed to do the trick.

When Ellis was 9 he asked for a guitar for christmas, thinking it would be a passing phase ( he didnt seem bothered that he didnt get one last christmas) he got other things on his list including guitar hero, us thinking this will probably do the trick.

When Ellis was 10 he asked for a guitar for christmas, thinking, ok this is the third year running it may not be such  a passing phase.

We bought him an electric guitar, a small amp,a strap, a plec and it all came with one free guitar lesson.

Little did we know how our lives would change...
We had such a bad winter that year that it was February before we could get to the free lesson. I remember Ellis being so excited. He loved it, came home and that was it!
Every living moment was spent practising the chords, so much so what should have been taking him 8 weeks to learn, he was learning in half an hour, his teacher Harvey couldn't keep up with him.

After nine months and a temporary new teacher Phil ( his first one went to uni and asked his friend to teach Ellis as he didnt want to lose him) asked Ellis if he wanted to play a song on the Colne Blues Festival. Ellis was thrilled and practised until I couldn't stand to hear the song anymore.

He went down a storm! And got quite a few admirers along the way..

With the band. The Revenues

With his proud teachers 
Harvey and Phil and Joss the singer in the band

With the determination on Ellis's part, the wonderful people we have met along the way and my excellent taxiing services, he has gone from strength to strength. With an odd new guitar along the way 

Here he was copying the toy guitar photo above haha!

Birthday present!

He now sings and plays, alone.

What a dude!

As a duo

With other bands as a guest

And with his band The Changelings! And is still in contact with Joss who guest starred here with his harmonica!

He is still as keen as he was on the first day he got one and this is a regualr position to find him in

Im hoping one day he will make his millions, all you can do is try.

Thank you for reading leave a comment, I love replying.

Lisa xx