Australia always seemed to be a popular choice for Brits but I have never felt the want to go there whereas Canada has always been drawn to me.
Just before we got married, Kevin was offered a job with a house in Canada, all I had to do was agree.
I couldn't, I just couldn't leave my family. Some days I have regretted that decsion and other days feel I made the right one. But there has always been a little sonmething in the back of my mind that wonders ' what if'.
So we made steps. We had enough 'points' and would be able to go within three months with a job waiting for us. Sounded great! Then the recession hit, not only here but in Canada too. We were to,d on various forums that the jobs that were waiting for us might not be there when we arrived and that generally it wasn't a good time to go.
I knew with the ages that Georgia and Ellis were that it was going to be a now or never time, as I would never go without them.
Well we didnt go but it probably turned out to be one of the best decisions I have made.
Rather than feel sad and miserable that we didnt go. I made a mission to embrace the wonders I have round me.
I am very lucky where I live to be 30 seconds away from open countryside. Now we have Sprout and Tilly I spend time there nearly every day.
And every day it looks different depending on weather, and the seasons.
Every tree is different and the flowers and wildlife but thats another story.
Yes I'm sure there is wonderful countryside like this all over the world but mine is here.
Even on the islands on the main road to town, wild flower seeds were planted and have brightened a once dull area. Beautiful!
Then there's the people. You can walk down the street and stop and talk to anyone. In my recent visit to London, one of the things I noticed ( apart from in Brit Mums of course) was that no one talked to each other.
So why o why would I want to live anywhere else?
One of my neighbours recently emigrated to Austrailia and I wish her all the best but it's not for me.
Some people say where ever I lay my hat, thats my home.
But I'm a home bird and here is where I will stay.
After all
There's no place like home...
Thank you for reading. Please leave a comment, I will always reply
Lisa xx