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Sunday, 22 June 2014

Blogging weekend Part 2. Going underground

Once over the eventful trip to Manchester that had been correctly navigated, well job was done, leaving my life in the big city totally in Sarahs hands. 

First stop, the London underground.
Many things have been shown about the London underground, on documentaries, films,TV shows, and its sometimes in the news usually for something bad. So I had expectations of it being busy, noisy, a bit scary and all a bit of a stress but at the same time I was excited!

Its amazing to think, for me anyway that your walking through the streets of London ( I can feel a song coming on there) knowing there is an enormous network of tunnels right under your feet and seeing how busy the roads were, its a good job they have the underground. 
So we found, well guided by Sarah our first underground entrance! Against the lights of Piccadilly circus!

Well after going half a mile down a load of steps the first thing I realised is its deeper than I thought, then we reached the platform. 
It was just like in the movies? And those tunnels look mighty scary!

Luckily it was quiet so my fear of getting pushed into the path of an oncoming train didnt arise.
The second thing I realised was how blooming windy it is down there. No good for my hair at all.

Once on the tube as the locals call it! I think I saw every nation and culture there is in the world all in one carriage and everyone had a phone, laptop, other mobile device, book or magasine. 
I love people watching and if it hadnt been for Sarah watching out for me and picking my jaw off the floor on occasions, I think I would have been there all day.

Once off 'the tube' was the next newbie. 
The escalator challenge.
Never in my entire life, not even on the movies, have I seen escalators so long! I nearly got vertigo, says the woman who is doing a sky dive in August! 

And this photo was taken was near the bottom!
I was glad we were on the quiet side but not for long.....

Another tube to hop on, well I didnt really hop on it like the locals, more like jump, shuffle then find something to cling to, on.

Once off we took another esculator up! I got on with my case safely next to me.
 'Watch your case' said Sarah 'watch your case' 'Lisa! Your case'!!! What was she on about? It was fine, not falling off the step or unsafe. 'Lisa put it in front of you' it was then I looked behind to see quite a few, well about 30 people behind my case waiting to get past! Oh well! Now I know. I moved it mumbling apologises to everyone that ran past.
Sarah thought it was hilarious!

My overall thoughts on the London underground are,

1 It looks just like just it does on the movies. 
2 T
he tunnels are as spooky as hell! 
3 I've never been up and down as many escalators in my life and I found out there is a thing called escalator etiquette.
4 You need to put more hair spray on as it gets far too windy!
5 They go far faster than I thought, bit like a theme park ride! And sway up and down
6 People don't communicate with each other. No eye contact, nothing. Which is such a shame...

Next step Brit mums live!

Thanks for reading 
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Lisa xx