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Friday, 8 August 2014

Liebster award

Yesterday I opened a comment to find that I had been nominated for a Liebster Award by the dear Maria from  For those of you who don't know, the liebster award is a way to share recognition amongst new Bloggers which is great. You are meant to nominate another 11 bloggers but im so new im not sure I know 11 new bloggers but I will do my best
I Nominate... 6 not all new im afraid but hey

Sarah from
Maria from  
Vicky from
Helen from 
Catherine from
Holly from

My questions are...

1, Whats your favourite genre of music
2, Your favourite film
3, Pants or skirt?
4, Name something you would do for charity
5, What is the scariest thing you have ever done.
6, Whats your biggest vice?
7, What are you wearing now?
8, If you could rewind 10 years, what would you do differently
9, What makes you happy?
10, What makes you sad?
11, If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be? 

My Questions were 

1. Who Inspires You?
My husband for being so hardworking, my daughter for her attitude to life, my son for his commitment to his guitar and my friend Sarah for her determination with her blogging.
2. What Makes You Smile?
Thats easy, my children, my husband, my pets, a passing stranger, I smile at everything!
3. What Is Your Favourite 'Sing In To Your Hairbrush' Song?
So many, Im always singing, not that I can sing. It would have to be a guns and roses or metallica song or arctic monkeys or black keys , queen , or you see I cant choose I sing it whatever is playing. 
4. Where Would You Most Like To Visit In The World?
New england in Autumn. Just sit me in the middle of them trees and ill be happy.
5. Bold Lip Or Statement Eyes?
It has to be statement eyes since my lips are so small its almost pointless wearing lipstick! 
6. Favourite Memory?
So many! I think it has to be bringing my first human into the world! 
7. Last Time You Cried?
Last Friday When Ellis sang Candy by Paelo Nutini and let his voice out loud for the first time. 
8. What Book Are You reading At The Moment?
The Rats by James Herbert, he is my favourite author, he died last year so my reading all his books..again. I like to have more than one book on the go my reading Stephen Kings 11.22.63
9. Would You Rather... Always be underdressed or always be                       overdressed?
Undressed! Im a comfort girl.
10.What Is Your Favourite Lipstick?
See no 5
11.What Is Your Favourite Childhood Memory?
Working at lowercross stables every weekend, mucking out and riding the horses or a younger one would be making pretend rooms next to the fireplace out of anything I could get my hands on, like cotton reels for chairs etc. 

I hope you lovely lot have enjoyed reading my answers and questions and I hope who I have nominated, join in too. Let me know if you do so I can have a look at your answers...

Lisa xx

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